edited yesterday’s post a bit. in case you didn’t catch it: too bad. if you did, good for you. at least i left the poem online!
excited that the new matrix trailer is out! i can’t wait. it’s almost the star wars of our generation, because frankly, although the ‘new’ star wars episodes are great; they’re not the same as the original 3…just something different about them. hopefully the matrix won’t ever get into the prequel business.
today is boring. i absolutely can’t stand the cold, and it’s getting worse every day! i even had to bring my leather jacket along last night, ‘just in case’. ugh. what will i do with z, if it gets dirty during the winter? drive-through washes just don’t work very well, not to mention it sits so low to the ground that i’ve heard some owners’ horror stories how the automated tracks the car is pulled along has done extensive damage to the underbody!! that just won’t do.
that’s it for now; maybe time for a run. broke my personal best with time/distance yesterday…i hope to continue the trend

listening to:
HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I
Michael Jackson