another fantastic meeting this morning! very exciting business i tell you.
two quotes of the day:
“to make a long story short, don’t tell it”
“i think there’s a fine artist inside you just itching to get out”
in fact, i have been working on some larger scale drawings in pastel. one of which is just personal, the other is a gift for one of my friends. a bit risqu?, but turning out mostly well. i have let my pastel skills recede a bit as of late, and it’s such a fascinating medium, i just had to return to it. funny how at first i treat each stick like a pencil, lightly causing thin, slight lines; the wrong strokes to apply to such a large canvas. pastel sticks are thick for a reason. the more i work with them, the more fluid and free the strokes become, being more impressionist as i go along.
i’m sure someone else has done or tried it before, but i stumbled upon it completely under my own discovery a few years back and just loved it; mixing pastel with wet media, such as gouache and water-colour. pastel pigment becomes incredibly vibrant and opaque when water and brush are applied. black becomes a truly solid, matte finish. charcoal is another interesting category to toss in the mix. i suppose in a simplistic manner, adding water to pastel isn’t far off from what real paint is. the nice thing about pastel is the powder particles are very fine and much more lucid in their aqueous solution, and like water can spread to fill and settle into each groove, the pastel is just the same, making the coverage nice and even.
had don pablo’s the other night for the first time since independence day. man, that craving was so wonderful to satisfy. seems once or twice a week i have the urge to eat there, but something usually deters or diverts me. wow….the fresh chips and salsa are something this man cannot live without..heh.
on another note, i’m looking for a method to identify the IP addresses used by a specific client on a specific domain, namely roadrunner’s minneapolis business class service. this information is to be used for updating my apache server to “ban” and reject users from those ip addresses. if you have information on such a methodology, please contact me!
well back to it. thanks for reading! i have a few poems lying around from the past month, but haven’t had the desire to polish or post them. stay tuned, and we’ll see if i get to it. heh.

listening to:
Out of the Vein
Third Eye Blind