these bleeding bugs have got to go! you likely know the type: ladybug impostors–orange, not red; some with spots, many with few or none; and they reek like dust on steroids–scummy bastards. as if that weren’t enough, they seem to have formed an alliance of sorts with these box elder bugs to accumulate and conspire to annoy the human existence.
i’ve been having this unrelenting urge to visit the various clothing shoppes in search for new additions; i’m sure some of you know the feeling–of your closet seeming more stale everyday. not that i’m looking for a new wardrobe; just a breath of fresh air. but i really dislike shopping alone, and for the life of me, i can’t find anyone to join me–be it conflict of schedule or their general disinterest–i will probably never know the difference…guess i’ll have to do without, or swallow this pride and go it solo.
such a gorgeous weekend; i’m hoping to have a few things accomplished by the end of it. car wash (or two), winter vehicle secured, laundry completed, and sorting through my old desk accoutrements…hoping to find something to add to my desk.
yes, in case you haven’t heard, i’ve been offered (and have accepted) a full-time position at best buy advertising, as opposed to the freelance status i’ve held there for the past 2 weeks, and am i ever excited!
i do have a poem, written yesterday; i’ll try to get it posted this afternoon sometime. it’s so nice that i might spend a good deal of the afternoon outdoors again and write another

listening to:
Everything to Everyone
Barenaked Ladies