thought of the day: there ought be a different word for a child borne to a married woman and a father who isn’t her husband. bastard is too broad, i think. perhaps trashtard would be acceptable.
TOD operation anti-fanta
thought of the day: i think we should send troops to stop the ‘invasion of the fantanas’ cuz i do NOT wanna fanta
just two bits of news.
first, i had a hectic day today. it all started saturday when i awoke normally to watch ninja turtles, but i felt much different. sore, weak, etc etc. it was hard to move anywhere without an intense feeling inside as if i’d just run up the stairs or had someone jump out from behind a wall in the dark. scared the bloody hell out of me as saturday came and went, as did sunday with no sign of improvement. if anything, my own paranoia fueled this sort of psychosomatic cycle of degradation. thought i had some sort of heart problem or defect, but after visiting urgent care this afternoon for a couple hours; turns out it’s my own stress and anxiety making me suffer. dammit. though something about hearing that i was in essentially perfect health was a huge load off my mind, and i’ve been quite relaxed and feeling great ever since. and if anyone or anything dares tempt my stress levels, i have a prescription to help out. : )
i’m getting a new wacom digital drawing tablet; mainly for some of the new benefits, however slight they might be compared to the one i already have. in fact, the one i’m getting is one size smaller than my current, gigantic one. anyway, this means i’m selling my current tablet. a wacom intuos (1) usb 9×12 board with the install cd (though outdated driver-wise), with an extra pen, originally worth 90$! total package for 260$.. brand new the whole package was 540$, so it’s now less than half price. anyone wants it or knows someone who might… get in touch!

listening to:
Collective Soul
so it’s been awhile again… though i’ve been keeping plenty busy. i often have so many intentions of writing about this or that, but as time goes by, each newer event slowly erodes the memories and mentions of older things i planned on writing about.
nevertheless i spent the weekend just previous out in madison/la crosse, wisconsin with family to celebrate my youngest brother’s 21st birthday. hard to believe, considering it technically makes me a certain increment older than him, a numeral which my body doesn’t quite accept as reality; i still only physically feel about 19 or 20. nearly half of the time must’ve been spent in the car travelling between places; luckily my trusty ipod was up to the task of providing companionship during the quietness and radio silence amid the vast stretches and valleys where little more than verdant foliage stretches further than one can see from their vehicle.
the trip yielded a camera full of photography, little of which may make it to my site; since it is architectural or familial in nature. then again, it might be a welcome breath of freshness to what i feel normally gets posted… things of me, my car, or clouds. hehe. i’ll see what i can do.
yesterday was the sort of day which makes the insufferable winters all somehow seem worthwhile. it was at least 60, which of course immediately prompted the notion of vehicular cleansing. i can’t express enough how utterly elated i am to get a head start on something like that during this time of year. like i probably wrote before, you’ve likely not seen the definition of ‘happy’ until you’ve caught a glimpse of my face in close proximity while washing my car mid-winter comfortably in a t-shirt and sandals. luckily for everyone here that i didn’t bother taking more photos this time. heh
ok.. well i’m about out of interesting phrases for now, but check back soon; i’ll try and post some artwork or photography.

listening to:
Vivaldi: The Four Seasons; Violin Concertos
Antonin Vivaldi
so i spent most of today re-painting an image from the upcoming legend of zelda: twilight princess for gamecube. the original was too small, low-res, jpg-artifacted, aliased, and plain. i’m not done yet, but i’ll get there soon enough. compare to the original, immediately following.
twilight princess link in hi-res
i do have one other example, but in the interest of leaving content for another posting sometime this week, i’ll hold back on it for now ; )
broken hearts could be more fact than fable
interesting article, that. i don’t foresee myself in any immediate, imminent danger; though it is fair to predict that this year’s valentine’s day will suck completely. six months ago, i would have anticipated just the opposite, but unfortunately january just doesn’t seem to be my lucky month with love; and as i am, it takes more than a couple weeks or even a month to develop a real closeness with a girl, so of course i’m s.o.l.
but that’s life, i suppose. at least this year to help re-adjust myself back to the life of lonely bachelordom is the fact that the holiday falls during the work week, plus i was thrown into a ‘deadline week’ quite last minute, so i’ll be plenty busy to distract me from the depressing thoughts of what isn’t.
i was thinking the other day how love really isn’t very romantic unless frosted with illogicalness, sorta like how we couldn’t see the sun’s shape without some darkness surrounding it to bring out its edges. and perhaps i’m too logical, that i recognise the boundaries of insanity against the backdrop of romance; they’re two different colours to these eyes. that would explain how despite my every good intention, someone could find them inadequate compared to another guy who might (knowingly or not) succumb to the myopia and jump off a bridge with a heart-shaped parachute or circumnavigate the globe on a tricycle to raise money for a box of chocolates. i guess in the future i should just squint a bit more to blur the lines.
of course that’s not to say i’ve an unhappy life by any means. i can’t even believe how beautiful and temperate this month has been. the past two weekends have felt more like october than february, with sixty degree weather enabling one of my favourite hobbies: detailing my car. the z is one love which has never disappointed me; it’s too bad more women aren’t as reliably affectionate. heh. on that note, i was able to both wash/wax and photograph her yesterday, and will include said photography below. there is something beautiful and unique about the sunlight during the non-summer months which can add an ethereal, dreamy haze and dramatically enhance nearly any scene. most are hi-res enough to be wallpapers or make prints of, so enjoy!

listening to:
Results May Vary
Limp Bizkit
desktop poet enables psychic poetry
two might moan at god
redden a pole and befriend it
manipulate behind a forest rose
spring a bare breast after worship