after last night’s quick post, i was pleasantly surprised by the opportunity to capture this photo this morning on the way to work. i actually stopped my car to take it…and worth every drop of gas.
macslash mention!
i got an honourable–albeit indirect–mention on a national mac news site the other day, for my work creating add-ons to my favourite chat application featuring one of the things in life i am most passionate about: super mario bros! 🙂
although i posted links when initially created, you can download the mentioned sound set here
i’ll try to muster some time away from my busy work and work-out schedule to post more later. enjoy what’s left of the changing leaves!
nice weekend, two new poems
been another whole week again. and another lovely weekend to enjoy. z is in prime condition after a half-day of washing/waxing/babying yesterday; of course there’s not much to do at that point except drive around town a bit to show off my handiwork, hopefully blinding a few people with glints of sun on the shiny surfaces.
aside from the usual cleaning, laundry, etc. which tends to be the brunt of weekend activities, i managed to get some creative productivity in, completing two whole poems. yes, some people can just whip something out in a few minutes or even an hour; but real poetry is written many times, and meticulous care and detail are put into each word of each revision until complete. this can be from a few iterations to a hundred or more. i wonder how many people will take the time to analyse and interpret these, and then write in to share? i can say they’re both quite a bit more involved and much less direct than the last work; but then again, the last one was never intended to be covert in the first place. anyway… enjoy!
half a world away
freedom’s villain

listening to:
Tan Dun
the fallout retort
what a lovely weekend. after a long week, i am ecstatic that i wasn’t forced to sit inside for its duration. granted, i ended up doing that for some of it anyway, but what else am i supposed to do at 10pm? oh yes, i went for a 2 hour walk. blistered the shit out of my feet, but it was a nice walk nonetheless.
in the past week i’ve learned two things about technology: i love wireless networking and my new ipod. both are just so handy! for someone like me who enjoys music as much as i do, i don’t know how i lived without an ipod until now. yes, i could play 6 cds at a time in my car, or plenty of mp3s on my various computers, but being able to shuffle between 5 thousand of my favourite songs instantly is unbelievable.
i’m working on a new poem, but it seems to be a verse short; as if i have one more idea to squeeze in that would complete the thought. speaking of poems, i received an email from someone who apparently wanted to share his analysis of my last poem. interesting that he prefaces it by saying that he only spent 10 seconds doing so (alluding that the work was that shallow, i’m guessing) and that was because he needed assistance from his infant son. add that to the fact that the analysis itself was riddled with so many misspellings and grammar errors that it was nearly unintelligible, leading me to believe his son typed it as well. needless to say, his interpretation was way off-mark, because he chose to attempt a psychic siphon of my mind instead of his own. as they say, ‘never assume; it makes an ass of u and me.’ of course this happens to be someone i don’t know, who has never met me, heard my voice nor anything about me–first-hand anyway. i did also find it utterly interesting/humorous that he (and the rest of his family) immediately associated the word ‘assclown’ with the patriarch of their family. they must not know it generally means ‘douchebag’, or maybe they do? i wonder why this man doesn’t take offence that his family thinks this of him?
sorry for the delay in posts… apple released a security update which ultimately broke functionality of my FTP server, meaning i wasn’t able to upload anything (like these posts) to the site. but alas, some research done, and i’m back in business!
so i finally got some negative feedback about sunday’s poem, of course it’s all from people who believe they are the stars of it; some sort of celebrities who deserve mention in my work… pfft. sorry! my work–poetry especially–is, and always has been, written with a certain vagueness so as to retain a broad spectrum of interpretation, because i realise everyone will see things their own way anyway. the ironic part is that at least one of the people who has negatively spoken out is actually someone i am angry about. not that the poem is about this person or anyone else specifically, but it’s an interesting coincidence nevertheless.
sept. 11th… i realise it was a tragic day in u.s.–and indeed world–history, but that was 3 years ago. i’m glad the day wasn’t marred by a constant barrage of negativity. sometimes it seems that news sources and media in general are grasping for content. granted, this is a bit more impactful, but it isn’t much better than the 3-10 weeks of sensationalism when jfk jr’s plane went down into the sea. instead of looking back on what everybody already knows happened, perhaps the media should highlight some of the positivity which has sprung up in the time since, and where it’ll grow in the future. ::end rant::

listening to:
Hotel Paper
Michelle Branch
who’d have thought such a filthy bit of language would get such a positive response?? in less than one day, i received 3 emails raving about yesterday’s ‘poem’ posting. who says rap music (and the media in general) doesn’t have an impact, especially with older, less-impressionable consumers?
thought of the day: i hate ‘faulty’ mp3s which burp and hiccup. nothing ruins a song like a jolt to its cadence and/or some eructation reminiscent of a casio synthesiser circa 1985.
what else is new? well i realised i have thousands of digital photographs on my computer, none of which are represented in the ‘visual‘ galleries. truth be told, i am so far behind with starting such a gallery, i don’t know if i can ever catch up.. which is a bit of a mental obstacle effectively deterring me from even trying. for anyone who does web design or development, you ought to understand
as wonderful as it is to be ambicephalous, each brain-half really functions well independent of one another, making things like typing difficult some days; words requiring letters from both sides of the keyboard a challenge… words will have transposed letters or half of one word by itself, and the other half part of one adjacent. ugh. add in my slight dyslexia, and you better be damn grateful my postings are intelligible at all. many thanks to the “spell-check-as-you-type” inventor!
eminem apprenticeship
if i were eminem, i might write something like this. as it turns out, i’m not the real slim shady, but here’s my little ‘poem’ anyway. enjoy!