what a busy week… seems i haven’t had much time for anything, except for everything.
for those who don’t know, i turned 25 on tuesday. hard to believe, considering i feel about 19 physically, between 7 and 40 mentally.i guess 25 is about right then if you average it out. heh. last weekend i had the distinct honour of dining with krystle, receiving a meal, a gift, and a pleasant evening stroll all at her expense. i really do owe her for it. then, this past wednesday my parents made the journey from up north just to see me for the occasion. we had dinner, bought me a new bed (ok, i bought the bed, but they helped deliver and set it up, as well as haul away my old one), made me a healthy cake (with egg whites and applesauce vs. yolks and oil), and got me some other gifts, including a spendy (but highly fashionable) white dress shirt. i am truly blessed with such great family and friends.
during cake wednesday, my mother was telling how fast the years go, and to hear her sent a wash of mixed emotions over me. she remembers being 35 and thinking ‘oh, 50 is so far away’, but then before she knew it… she was 50. i am one who falls into the category that i fear ageing and would live forever if i could, so to hear this made me sad and a bit scared, especially with the expressions on my parents’ faces as mum told the story and glaced at dad; just one of those images that tell a thousand words. once as a small child i recall looking out from the giant living room window on a sunny day and feeling the warm light bathing me through the panes of glass. looking up into it i thought god was near the sun and asked/prayed/begged with all my might that i would never die. i guess we’ll see. at least my recent physical shows that i’m in excellent physical condition… and that’s a start. hah
thursday, realising that my giant bed was utterly incompatible with the existing room arrangement, i spent a full 4 hours playing ‘room tetris’ with the various furniture in order to reveal some sort of harmony. in fact this game was a lot like one of my favourite games the new tetris inasmuch as i got to ‘swap’ pieces of furniture out of the playing field, though in this case it was permanent. in order to make room, i had to eject my drafting table, easel, small file/supply cabinet, and a dvd rack; though in all it is a good change. now, to finally get my surround system’s rear sets of speakers in proper position… i sense a visit to the local best buy coming.. heh
i still want an ipod. and those sexy jbl 10″ 3-way dual-woofer monsters. and.. and.. and..
i’ll take a peek and see if i can find some photos to post later, perhaps some by request.

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