something just off the top of my head as i sit here bored clueless today…
slowly fading
from the “infamous friday”…
mario corroboration
what dimensions mario should occupy
so the past day or two i’ve been sketching ideas for a real 3d super mario game; this came after a discussion recently with someone about how, if given the freedom, i would create such a kickass mario bros. game…and i hold true to that belief. the problem for me is that although there are 2 mario games in 3d so far: one for n64 and one for gamecube. although each is okay, i think the large jump from super mario world (1991) to what is currently being served up, without a bridge of any kind (or at least a hang-glider), is just too far; and the latest two games lost something in the translation [between dimensions].
- first: whatever happened to power-ups? that was such a pivotal concept in the originals. get a mushroom, you increase in stature; get a fire flower, leaf, or feather and you increase in power and capability. the closest either of the 3d games came was in mario 64, where occasionally (read: rarely) one would stumble upon a floating block with a “power-up”….which turned out to be one of 3 different hats that temporarily enabled some extra ability. temporarily? what’s up with that? the precedent was set that once you enhance, you keep the ability until you foul up somehow. the only temporary power up in the originals was invincibility provided by the bouncing “starman”…and though invincibility/invisibility was one of the 3 hats in mario 64; it strayed from tradition — no starman to be found. part of its fun was catching the bouncing bastard, and then watching mario cycle through colours of all varieties while invulnerable. ahh, to play as a racoon once more!
- second: why are the landscapes so ordinary–similar to so many other 3d platform/adventure titles? the mario titles i remember enjoying had all types of wild and imaginitive colours, shapes, and patterns that even if all different, they blended together seamlessly. it had its own style which mario 64 and super mario sunshine have bits and pieces of, but what good is a cob of corn that has only one or two kernels, but rows and rows of pits?
- third: bowser must either be the only enemy which made the series unique, or the storyline failed to mention that bowser’s corporation underwent serious downsizing and re-employing; because few or none of the original cast appears in either 3d game (except for sparse placement of goombas and piranha plants in m64, and nothing in sunshine (although some flying bullet characters reminiscent of “bullet bill” appear, though–and i need to double-check the manual–they likely have a different name). oh wait, sunshine did have bloopers, but not how you think. yoshi appears, and is well executed, but again–one or two kernels. crikey, even the princess has a different name (she is now “peach”, not even “princess peach”; she was formerly known as “princess toadstool”; which is–not surprisingly–my favourite of the monikers)!
anyway…my sketches will continue; perhaps i will scan some and pop them online soon, but the main reason for them is to have a concrete project to reintroduce me to working in 3d…i really do miss it. when i finally do begin making a mario world in 3d…i want it to be as faithful to what i feel are the real roots and lifeblood of the series.
on a completely different note, my diet and workout regimen are handling quite well. in less than a week i can certainly feel, but also see the improvement already! i will continue until i am happy : )
p.s. what does anyone know about the u.s. navy? noticed a job posting for artists and photographers…and although i’m pending a response from an h.r. representative, any other viewpoints or info would be greatly appreciated!

listening to:
home decor
limited celebrity
it’s such a strange feeling to sit before a monitor displaying a dozen or more images of your face; 12 different expressions all at once, from an angle and perspective you never get to otherwise see; not even in mirrors (because they’re backwards–or spatially inverted–if you want to be technical). it’s what i’ve dealt with the past few days as i prep a new gallery of recent photos…and i can only imagine how a celebrity must feel having dozens or hundreds of strange people all waving photos, posters, t-shirts, etc.–effectively twice the number of faces as there are fans, except that half of those faces are yours. the only comfort i have is the control over the environment and how many of “me” there are.
nevertheless, i’m just about finished with said gallery, and i’ve posted a preliminary glance — recent photos. i’ve been experimenting with smaller-sized thumbnails due to the sheer number of photos i have or expect to have, and so you can see more per page, with a smaller download time. i personally prefer the horizontal rectangles 11:8 ratio of all the other galleries, as they’re more interesting in my opinion, so let me know or comment in the forum if you’ve got a preference.
today is expected to be incredibly hot — 95 degrees fahrenheit (with high humidity no less, because this IS minnesota) — and i plan to take advantage of the sun!

listening to:
Villa-Lobos: Bachianas Brasileiras (Complete)
Heitor Villa-Lobos
two bits of brain
whatcha think? drop me a line, or post a thought to the forum and/or comments : )