everyday minutae


had a fantastic interview yesterday! great company, great people… looking forward to great things

many thanks to kevin for lending me a zip drive, that i could add some great last-minute pieces to the portfolio, available only on zip disks, and my drive lie connected to my parents computer up in st. cloud!

still not looking forward to winter; it’s becoming painfully more apparent every day that as winter is slowly edging out summer in their colourful arm-wrestling match. hopefully this year i’m able to capture some of it on “film”!

time for a spot of coffee…perhaps a post later!

Some Devil

listening to:
Some Devil
Dave Mathews Band


dyslexia isn’t so uncommon

this was just too amazing to leave on juha’s forum; i need to post here for everyone to see:

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn?t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

got lots of last-minute work to finish up for my big interviews tomorrow morning; very excited, and wish me luck!

By the Way

listening to:
By the Way
Red Hot Chili Peppers

interesting links

penguin chat

cool as hell!

everyday minutae

autumnal artistry

in one day, fully one-third of the neighbourhood trees fell ill to the peaked illustrations of nature’s orange brush. not looking forward to winter…

everyday minutae miscellaneous

eating like royalty

today at the store, a mother and her small 5 year old child walked in just ahead of me. as i reached for a small carry-basket, they turned to grab a shopping cart and the child asked, “mommy, we’re buying a whole bunch today huh?”

everyday minutae

insomniac introspection

last night included a detailed tour of every hour, and i have the fatigue this morning to prove it. for whatever reason, i just couldn’t fall asleep; a malady that has plagued me for a majority of the past month.

in effort to quell this, the open evening sky got my visit, and a chance to perform with all its charm, and perhaps it was my insomnia reacting, but the show didn’t disappoint. a mild temperature, delicate breeze, and a sky filled with a velvety navy-blue, completed by a sprinkling of stars and other heavenly bodies as lint specks across the fabric.

it got me thinking about the light given off by stars, and how far away some of them really are. even at the speed of light, some of the night-stage’s performers are thousands of years away; that some of the twinkling i enjoyed last night originated when ancient egypt was brand new. puts a bit of perspective on our concept of time and history…everything we record is really just a small, one-comma long journal entry in the diary of the universe. it’s just an excerpt, a sticky note telling some of the events earth and its residents have experienced. historians’ jobs are to create a comprehensive and complete of all events, ever; though they never can, nor never will be able to transcribe the “history” of everything everywhere. makes their job more closely related to sub-atomic physicists or micro-biologists, studying and figuring on such a small sliver of the whole.

why have so many deep and introspective ideas been swimming in my mind recently? almost as if trying to drown my “normal” thoughts–if there are such things in my brain. running has always been a therapy for me, a counselor with a bleach-tipped eraser, or at least a giant filing cabinet to organise and store all the clutter. maybe the strict running routine has given me (once more) the capacity to think as i should? my morning session on the treadmill awaits, perhaps i’ll find out then…

12 Memories

listening to:
12 Memories (pre-release, available 10/14)

thought of the day

buying time

why are books so popular yet, in this digital age? perhaps it’s not just that we buy them with the interest in reading them, but that somewhere inside we believe we’re also buying the time to read them.