interesting links rants & reviews thought of the day

the world is full of stupid people?

stupid people in large groups
how morons get cats out of trees

thought of the day: one holiday we need is “calendar day”; a day you can mark on your calendar with utter redundancy and superfluity.

ok strangely enough, i had been working on a little opinion diatribe about how the world seems to be on a hedonistic binge of gorging itself with stupid people, and that has in turn distorted the modern higher education system into a dysfunctional, ineffective, if not completely obsolete relic which has creeped into our economy and perverted what used to be a capable and robust professional workforce. the college degree is now nearly a parody of itself, becoming the thing it was originally created to do: certify that you in fact have intelligence and skills worthy of positive contribution to society.

as it turns out, someone already went to the trouble of writing such a piece, mostly. it focuses more on the problems of the higher education system and how the “pursuit of a college degree” part of the contemporary american dream is becoming increasing futile, and less on stupid people and their effects on the economy, and without my cute attempts at humour that writing about idiots ought to invoke.

america’s most overrated product: the bachelor’s degree

One Xlistening to:
One X
Three Days Grace

interesting links miscellaneous

man “toons” everyone in an entire yearbook!

yearbookmadness or genius? it’s probably a blend of both, but you have to give the guy credit for doing something different. using his mother’s 1968 high school annual, he lovingly caricatured over a thousand faces now for us to marvel upon. why? who knows, but it’s bloody intriguing if nothing else!

check out the entire project on Flickr:
Excelsior – 1968

that’s all for now…going to be updating my gallery with things soon!

interesting links thought of the day

remember when

thought of the day: why don’t we call last week ‘yesterweek’, or yesteday ‘last day’?

oh, and kids say the darnedest things. this is one of the most adorable girls i’ve ever seen.. at first she’s a bit unsure of herself but then in bold confidence takes full credit and pride in her eloquence. “quit bothering me. i SAID ‘frog’!!”

interesting links

Now you see it…

a really interesting video showing a peculiar chain of chemical reactions resulting in a sort of real life music visualiser, to the tune of the magnetic mixer’s hum.


interesting links miscellaneous

I was robbed by two men!

a comedy bit disguised as an informational video to prepare japanese travellers for visiting america. i rather wish it was real.

art & photography gaming interesting links thought of the day


[singlepic=865,250,250,right]thought of the day: what is the plural of ‘jesus’?

on an abstract but related note (leaders of large groups), wanted to post a new image…it’s a painting/retouching effort for a fund-raiser, using dick schulze, the founder of best buy, as the focus. final piece was professionally printed and framed for entry in a silent auction, benefitting a children’s charity.

and finally, a quick fun gaming link… ever dream of the world built of legos? some have, but what about game worlds? i would KILL for a lego mario game. LINK 1 | LINK 2

Across The Universe [Deluxe Edition]

listening to:
Across The Universe [Deluxe Edition]
Various Artists

interesting links miscellaneous

cort simpson

the best approximation of myself using the character creator at the simpsons moviewebsite.