Category: Blog
hard to swallow
thought of the day: how many calories are in saliva, since you’re basically drinking it all day long…? may or may not be a positive diet choice!
travelling lightly
thought of the day: can “big” people travel lightly? one of my friends is out of town this weekend for a wedding, and said that they were the thinnest one in the ceremony. that made me wonder about the others who would also have to go out of town, even if they don’t pack but a toothbrush, because of their physique, are they ‘travelling lightly’?
Protected: honestly…
el agua tibia es m�gica
thought of the day: i find it interesting that water tastes magically better if left sit out for a day or two. perhaps it’s just me, but something about it changes, and not just the temperature…
still dreaming of my car to be 😛 and days of longer sunlight with warmer climate…

listening to:
Samurai Collection
Various Artists
thought of the day: what exactly is the function of eyebrows? nature must have some purpose for them, as she always does, but aside from catching some sweat on hot days, what could it be?
last friday i had the distinct pleasure of seeing v for vendetta, a wonderfully entertaining flick. you may have heard mixed things from critics, but seriously, when was the last time a critic liked a movie as much as you have? their nitpicks are duly noted, but completely insipid, as none that i’ve heard have been detrimental to the enjoyability of the movie whatsoever. go see this one if you have a chance!
saturday was my annual erection fest, as i wandered the minneapolis convention centre for the auto show. most of it was the same as any other year, but considering in the next couple months i plan to get a new car, my attention was keenly focused, and my excitement level higher than other years where my ride was not to change. aside from some of the concept cars, my delight was greatest for two particular models: one of which i plan to get, the other more of an aspirational thing. the former being the infiniti g35 coupe which i’ve talked about plenty before, and the other was a lexus sc430 (convertible). the lexus i’d always admired from afar on the roads, but would’ve never guessed that to sit in one was akin to being seated upon an upholstered throne with scantily-clad harem girls feeding me seedless grapes, parked on the beach of my seaside manor. it was just a perfect fit in every way.. with such breathtaking attention to detail, it all fit my senses like some intangible, proverbial glove.
anyway, here are a few photos of the g35 in a metallic slate colour that was shockingly beautiful.. enough that i’d seriously consider it over a plain dark silver (like my z). take a peek, and look for more auto show photos later!

listening to: