everyday minutae thought of the day

You’ll put your eye out

thought of the day: anyone who uses the phrase “eye-popping” should actually have to suffer getting their eyes popped. ugh… idioms. is there nothing they can’t doom?

After attending a media event hosted by EA Sports last week to check out some of their new, unreleased games, I came to realise that while most of the sports they had on display were within my realm of understanding, the number falling into the completely unknown far outnumber those that do.

That had me wonder if I couldn’t use that fact to some benefit as a feature here on my blog: to write and describe popular sports in as much detail as possible, except from my perspective… a sports half-wit using only my observational skills to deduce the rules and premise. Look for my first entry soon!

Light Grenades

listening to:
Light Grenades

miscellaneous thought of the day

Objects in the mirror may be older than they appear

thought of the day: isn’t one’s first birthday technically the day they were born? much like recurring charitiable and recreational parties, an initial birthday should be called something like, “The First Annual I’m-going-to-be-alive-awhile Charity Event. Now give me presents.”

a couple more images from projects long-since passed. one is just a collection of strange iconography, the other is a group of gift card concepts for a digital music store. enjoy!

tween icons Digital Music Store gift cards
Get On Your Bootslistening to:
Get On Your Boots

art & photography thought of the day

Pixellated beauticians

thought of the day: women who alter their eyebrows with tweezers are digital artists; as if painting a JPG one pixel at a time.

finally uploaded some design projects to the gallery now that i feel comfortably past the expiration date of the projects they represent: five sheets of logo/identity designs, one rough sketch, and one flyer layout. enjoy!

svin2.png svin.jpg svin3.png svin4.png svin5.png
ghost green flyer
Second Sightlistening to:
Second Sight
Jami Sieber

gaming rants & reviews thought of the day

beyond all rationale

thought of the day: much like new jeans sold as ‘pre-worn’ or ‘weathered’, i hope someday Subaru releases a full-priced model named the Fubar that is sold with visible dents and paint blemishes for that extra-rugged look. “Subaru Fubar—fuck you granola-munching, off-roading hippies/yuppies.

A couple recent gaming articles I’ve written:

Prince of Persia: The Fallen King (DS) review
MadWorld hands-on impressions!

The Sun And The Moon Complete [2 CD]

listening to:
The Sun And The Moon Complete [2 CD]
The Bravery

thought of the day

the stamp weighs more than the letter

thought of the day: i hate it when chain letters’ threatening stories about passing it on exceed the length of the actual message you’re sending.

First Impressions of Earth

listening to:
First Impressions of Earth
The Strokes

thought of the day

hot cocoald

thought of the day: what does one call ‘hot cocoa’ if in fact it’s been left out and lost its heat?

thought of the day

building them bigger

thought of the day: i wonder if the the inventor of the hard-boiled egg’s next experiment involved watermelons?