thought of the day: if a jedi were to use/drop their lightsaber while in water, what would happen? would there be some sort of electrocution, or would the water surrounding the weapon simply vaporise?
Category: thought of the day
thought of the day: in what scenario is receiving not better than giving?
after a week and a half respite, am i ready to go back to work next monday? i doubt it. don’t get me wrong, i’m quite excited to be starting my new responsibilities (as well as sloughing the old), but there’s just something about being without responsibility for a spell that really makes one question the unfortunate necessity of having to slave one’s life away just to survive. then again, there’s a certain satisfaction that comes with even the most tedious toil, and i personally believe the more gruelling and labourious a task, the more rewarding and satisfying one feels upon its completion.
anyway… fast-forward about a month; that’s how long it’s taken to write this entry…
two weeks ago i spent a 4 day weekend out in eastern wisconsin, ultimately to attend u2’s vertigo tour playing in milwaukee, 9/25. let me just say that the four hour drive was nearly unbearable, no matter how many creature comforts i surrounded myself with: my ipod, the plush leather seats, cruise control, multiple zone climate control, etc etc. i guess all the “things” in the world just don’t make up for the simple company of another human being, which i believe would have improved the quality of such a long drive. don’t get me wrong, the trip overall was more than worth the effort, but i can talk about that in just a bit.
thought of the day: so the tenth commandment says not to covet thy neighbour’s wife, but is it sinful for said wife to covet her neighbour? one can’t just assume about these things. furthermore… is it sinful to covet they neighbour’s fiance, or vice versa? i would think one could get by on a technicality in this instance.
TOD gift-wrapping disability
thought of the day: i suck at wrapping gifts. my goal is to someday be capable of wrapping something as precisely as are starburst candies.
TOD trashtard
thought of the day: there ought be a different word for a child borne to a married woman and a father who isn’t her husband. bastard is too broad, i think. perhaps trashtard would be acceptable.
TOD operation anti-fanta
thought of the day: i think we should send troops to stop the ‘invasion of the fantanas’ cuz i do NOT wanna fanta
sorry for the delay in posts… apple released a security update which ultimately broke functionality of my FTP server, meaning i wasn’t able to upload anything (like these posts) to the site. but alas, some research done, and i’m back in business!
so i finally got some negative feedback about sunday’s poem, of course it’s all from people who believe they are the stars of it; some sort of celebrities who deserve mention in my work… pfft. sorry! my work–poetry especially–is, and always has been, written with a certain vagueness so as to retain a broad spectrum of interpretation, because i realise everyone will see things their own way anyway. the ironic part is that at least one of the people who has negatively spoken out is actually someone i am angry about. not that the poem is about this person or anyone else specifically, but it’s an interesting coincidence nevertheless.
sept. 11th… i realise it was a tragic day in u.s.–and indeed world–history, but that was 3 years ago. i’m glad the day wasn’t marred by a constant barrage of negativity. sometimes it seems that news sources and media in general are grasping for content. granted, this is a bit more impactful, but it isn’t much better than the 3-10 weeks of sensationalism when jfk jr’s plane went down into the sea. instead of looking back on what everybody already knows happened, perhaps the media should highlight some of the positivity which has sprung up in the time since, and where it’ll grow in the future. ::end rant::

listening to:
Hotel Paper
Michelle Branch