been another whole week again. and another lovely weekend to enjoy. z is in prime condition after a half-day of washing/waxing/babying yesterday; of course there’s not much to do at that point except drive around town a bit to show off my handiwork, hopefully blinding a few people with glints of sun on the shiny surfaces.
aside from the usual cleaning, laundry, etc. which tends to be the brunt of weekend activities, i managed to get some creative productivity in, completing two whole poems. yes, some people can just whip something out in a few minutes or even an hour; but real poetry is written many times, and meticulous care and detail are put into each word of each revision until complete. this can be from a few iterations to a hundred or more. i wonder how many people will take the time to analyse and interpret these, and then write in to share? i can say they’re both quite a bit more involved and much less direct than the last work; but then again, the last one was never intended to be covert in the first place. anyway… enjoy!
half a world away
freedom’s villain

listening to:
Tan Dun