thought of the day

el agua tibia es m�gica

thought of the day: i find it interesting that water tastes magically better if left sit out for a day or two. perhaps it’s just me, but something about it changes, and not just the temperature…

still dreaming of my car to be 😛 and days of longer sunlight with warmer climate…

Samurai Collection

listening to:
Samurai Collection
Various Artists

thought of the day

better than sliced bread

thought of the day: if loaves of sliced bread are generally for making sandwiches, is there some sort of quality control which ensures the number of slices per loaf is an even number?

Songs of Sanctuary

listening to:
Songs of Sanctuary
Karl Jenkins

thought of the day

where art thou “feman”?

thought of the day: so we have the words male and female. why then do we not have the pair ‘man’ and ‘feman’? just imagine the rap music we’d have to day with lyrics rhyming to the struggles of men and femen.

thought of the day

speed reading

thought of the day: is it possible to be a spead-reader in japanese, and if so, which language would be harder to speed-read: english or japanese?

thought of the day

thought of the day: were ancient greeks really that hairless, or were the sculptors then just too lazy to bother with body hair?

thought of the day


thought of the day: do wild animals get colds as often as humans?

thought of the day

squealing stomach

thought of the day: upon hearing someone’s stomach make a very barnyard-like noise, i wondered how cool it would be if a litter of tiny, unborn piglet foetuses could all oink while still inside the mother? a veritable choir of squeaky oinking.