art & photography everyday minutae poetry

bleed again, my best photo ever

this road construction is going to be the end of people out here…which ironically is the opposite of what they’re working toward. i am not personally affected much, aside from being prevented to leave the house. to add insult to the injury of carving up the road like a mangled animal beneath a lawn mower, a pile which rivals the girth of most people’s garages now stands guard at the very foot of our driveway. actually, it more rests ON the feet of our driveway, like a sleeping dog and its master. unfortunately we dont have much control over this pet. and the culdesac is now better described as a crater, and little fluorescent (vests) men with sun-ripened skin emerge from it. nice to see a few folk have problem solved their way out by using our lawn as a shortcut with their vehicles…at least it isn’t like them letting their animals defecate on it; and then mishappening upon it. i’ll post a few pics as soon as they’re ‘developed’…

last night i decided to grill some cobbed corn and barbecue a few chicken breasts. while it was being prepared, i was lounging next to the grill with my notebook and was able to pen another song…which brings yesterday’s grand total to 2. check it out:

bleed again

it’s probably one of the few socially-conscious works in my collection. i won’t elaborate any more on it…but leave a comment if you like!

and as promised, a few more photos:

taken during a downpour of rain saturday. blue skies??
one of the most beautiful photos i’ve ever taken. looks even better in hi-res
a continuation of the last, pulling back
even further out. yes, the tiny white “specks” are individual droplets…

i have more photos of me which were taken yesterday afternoon. i will post them soon!

Aenimalistening to: