everyday minutae interesting links

My younger brother is beep three

hah…if you haven’t checked out you should. this is why:

My younger brother is beep three

My ex-girlfriend is an evil robot from an apocalyptic future

heh…that site is one of those mini-addictions, sort of like ebay; but instead of eating up days, weeks, or months, you can fool around with it for a few hours until you run out of ideas. i’m not sure how long it took before i found the above two samples, but they were wholly worthwhile if you ask me.

i have not begun my christmas shopping at all yet; mostly due to the fact that i have nobody to go shopping with, really. part of the fun of the season is all the window-shopping, but it isn’t nearly as entertaining if done alone. i mean honestly, am i going to walk around the mall and make jokes about passersby or ridiculous findings aloud to myself? doubtful.

late yesterday, i decided to begin rewriting some of the poetry on this site; mostly newer things which didn’t feel right when i ‘finished’ them. i can truthfully say that with just a little effort, and the different mindset one gets after the passage of time, a few minor tweaks really make a difference. look for those to be posted this afternoon yet.

for anyone who typically visits this page looking for photos of me, i regret to announce that i don’t really have anything new for you. although if you scroll down (or visit) the november 25 entry; there is plenty of masturbation material to last until i get around to capturing something new. lol…just kidding

well i think i’m going to go laze around a bit more and have a spot of coffee. g’day!