everyday minutae

Swag for GDC ’09 goers…

thought of the day: is it any coincidence that the difference between “fitness” and “fatness” is one pot-bellied character?

Yes, that’s a wholly underwhelming thumbnail, but the mysteries of its cropping reveal the secrets of… well, not much. A peek at the business card design our outlet will be using from GDC 09 forward; until they run out or I do something better. Info side is matte, red side is a beautiful glossy finish. That’s all for today.

Everything to Everyone

listening to:
Everything to Everyone
Barenaked Ladies

2 replies on “Swag for GDC ’09 goers…”

Man, I’m still in shock when i see your work. Where do you print cards like these off from? I’ve been looking to make some business cards and was just wondering where you print yours at.

you can get some great results from (no caps necessary), and for super cheap. i’ve only ever had great results with them, both quality and expediency.

small box of 1-sided for 10 bucks, 2-sided for 15. they print them the next day and ship out!

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